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We provide fun, challenge and adventure to over 1400 young people in North Lancashire – #SkillsForLife

Scout Notes

Morecambe Guardian 13 August 1927:-


Mr. R. E. Wright, the popular D.S.M., has just returned from a holiday in Switzerland. 
4th Lancasters spent an enjoyable time at Shap. The weather was delightful. Everyone returned in splendid health, and feeling much better for the outing. The troop was under the care of Scoutmaster W. Tyson and returned on Saturday, August 6th in good scouting spirits.
7th Lancasters: – The camp was unfortunately pitched in the rain, but all was speedily executed. The camp was in charge of the Rev. G. L. Marriott. The weather was excellent. Cooking was of the best. Several of the boys passed their 2nd class badge. Tree felling was also one of the camp incidents, and no accidents occurred so the ambulance was not required.
12th Lancasters: – In charge of Mr. Slinger (treasurer), the troop have had an enjoyable time. The site of the camp at Warton was ideal. The only calamity was the collapse of the officer’s tent at 3.30 am, and the pole went through the top. Thank goodness it was fine. On Friday night a sing-song was held round the campfire, and was kept on till 11.20 p.m., when prayers were said, followed by the National Anthem, and three rousing cheers. Saturday and the motor transport arrived all too soon, bringing to a close our most successful camp.
13th Lancasters : – The camp was a great success, beautiful weather being the greatest asset. Sunday Service was held at the farm and the boys heard a good sermon by Mr. Harris, of Over Kellet. The boys had an enjoyable time; their food was cooked better than some mothers manage it; and was different, but sometimes burnt, and at other times raw. Still all the boys returned pictures of health, and a credit to the open air life.
14th Lancasters: – Arrived at their destination in showery weather, and everyone joined in the work of erecting camp with a will. On Sunday the Scoutmaster, Rev. E. J. Lawson, took the troop to Church. On Monday a walk was arranged with the Church Rambling Club. At the conclusion of the walk the visitors were entertained to tea by the troop. Wednesday was visitors’ day, many parents taking advantage of the opportunity. The time passed rapidly with games, instruction and exploration. On Friday night sports were arranged, and this made a real finish to a glorious week. The troop arrived back in Lancaster on August 6th after a week long to be remembered.
1st Caton: – No report to hand.
2nd Morecambe: – At Windermere had a splendid time; weather fine throughout.

Lonsdale District Scouts