Lancaster Guardian 24 May 1946:-
It was Parents’ Evening with the Lancaster Sea Scouts last Monday, when for a change they were entertained and waited on by their own boys, in the Cathedral Club Room.
The occasion was a concert given by the 5th Lancaster Sea Scouts Troop 82nd. Admiralty Unit. It was a splendid effort by boys who had only been rehearsing a fortnight, owing to the amount of work in connection with the Troop.
The artistes were: the The Two Blamire Boys (piano and drum), R. Young, Tony Hornby and Mr. Lambert, Producer, Jonny Stone and Mr. Mountain, songs; Messrs. Mountain, Toole, Linnell and Tony Hornby, a sketch.
Chief guests were: the Very Rev. Canon R. O. Brimley, District Commissioner, and Mr. R. E. Wright Assistant Commissioner.
Refreshments were served by the Welfare Committee, with Mrs. Smith (chairman), Miss Rainford (secretary), Messrs. Lambert, McPherson, Gunson, Mrs Yates and Mr. Lambert.
During the interval Father Conway Scout-master thanked the Assistant District Commissioner, the Welfare Committee, and the parents, who he said, had been given an opportunity of seeing what their own boys could do. The Troop was recognized by the Admiralty as the finest in England and he only asked the parents to kindly support any efforts of the Welfare Committee to raise funds so that the boys could have all the help they needed. An opportunity would arise next week when Lancaster would be having its own Scout week, and he asked them to try and support every event.
Mr. Toole, Troop Scout-Master, presented marksmen Badges to the following : Alan Bibby, S. Derby, Sydney Mountain, and S. Lynch. The surprise of the evening was the presentation by Mr. R. E. Wright of the Scout Badge to the members of the Welfare Committee.
A grand finale by the Scout Troop and a poem read by Mr. P. Linnell, Cub-master, were well put over. All present had an enjoyable evening.
Lancaster Guardian 02 August 1946:-
On Sunday evening the CYMS (Cathedral Branch) presented colours to the 5th Lancaster Sea Scouts. The ceremony took place in front of the cathedral, when Father Aspinall made the presentation on behalf of the CYMS. The colour party was in charge of Mr. J. Rutherford. Unfortunately what was a very interesting ceremony was somewhat marred by the weather. At a march past which followed, Father Aspinall took the salute.