Lancaster Guardian 16 November 1956:
SCOUTING (past, present, and future), reflected the mood of the company who met at Sulyard Street on Saturday evening last.
It was the 17th re-union of former Scouts of the 4th Lancaster (Wesley) Group, who now form the present “B.P.” Guild. The company included Mr. G. H. Lowry, of New Longton, near Preston, who was associated with the start of the troop over 40 years ago, and who makes his annual visit to the re-union, whenever possible . Another member present who shares the former’s distinction is Mr. R. E. Wright, of Lancaster.
The “Past”, a record of which the group may feel justly proud, was recaptured as Guilders looked at the albums of photographs of group activities over many years.
The “Present” was the immediate business of the evening which followed after the company had Partaken of an enjoyable supper.
Mr. W. Tyson, who presided, welcomed the Guilders and said that he was pleased to see it was so representative of so many phases in the history of the group. He wished, however, that more had come, and expressed the hope that the attendance at the next re-union wood be bigger.
The Scout troop had vacancies for two scoutmasters and soon a Cubmaster would be needed. He would be glad to hear from anyone who could recommend suitable persons for these necessary posts of leadership to ensure the continued good progress of the Group.
Mr. T. C. Moffat, presenting the Hon. Secretary’s report, said that the attendance (24) was about average. The roll showed 30 to 40 names, all of whom had been circulated. He regretted that contact had been lost with many former Scouts, and would welcome the names and addresses of any who were known to the company. The information should be sent to him at 31, Cork Road, Lancaster.
It was now customary for the Guild to meet twice for the supper in the latter half of the year, and to visit the Apple-house Den in summer. Mr. J. Bishop hon. treasurer reported a balance in hand of £5. 11s. 5d. The report and accounts were adopted, and the foregoing officers, together with Messrs. A. Johnson, H. Riley, F. Bailey, J. Parker and S. Fox (Committee), were re-elected for the ensuing year.
Supper was served by Mesdames Tyson, Howard, Gregson, and Brew, who were accorded thanks for their services.
The “future” of the guild provided an interesting and lengthy discussion , culminating in a unanimous decision to mark the Jubilee Year with a special re-union in 1957, and an attempt will be made to recruit as many former scouts of the 4th Lancaster as possible to share in this proposed event.
Incidentally, former members of other Groups may join as associates, and it is hoped that they will.