We provide fun, challenge and adventure to over 1400 young people in North Lancashire – #SkillsForLife
We provide fun, challenge and adventure to over 1400 young people in North Lancashire – #SkillsForLife


One of the main responsibilities of your Group Executive Committee is the raising of funds. This is an important task and must be done in accordance with the guidance outlined in POR.

Fundraising must be carried out legally, especially on the issues of:

  • house-to-house and street collections
  • lotteries and gaming
  • the use of children and young people
  • the sale of alcohol.

Scouting’s rules exist for two reasons. Firstly, to protect the Association’s brand, reputation and image. Secondly, to ensure that fundraising is coordinated and that Scouting does not compete with itself for funds.

Take a look at…

Top tips to maximise your fundraising

Whether you’re raising money for new kit, an expedition or need tens of thousands of pounds to spruce up your meeting place, we’ve got some top fundraising tips. Here are ten tips that could help you raise money for your Group:

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A-Z of fundraising events and ideas

A Abseiling: There is probably a significant building in your area which you could be sponsored to abseil down. Before you do, make sure you check the site is safe and licensed for abseiling, and read your insurance…

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Gift Aid

Gift aid is a simple government initiative which allows you to increase the value of your donations at no extra cost to you. HM Revenue and Customs regards membership subscriptions as ‘donations. Therefore, your grou…

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Other fundraising resources…

Charity Commission guidance: Charity fundraising: a guide to trustee duties (CC20)

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