From Log Book kept by R.E. Wright, 4th Lancaster *
Lancaster Mail and North Lancashire Journal. July 1, 1910. Price: ONE HALF-PENNY (* SATURDAY NOON, JUNE 25th, 1910)
Local Scouts
Meeting of the Lancaster and
Morecambe Masters
A meeting was held in the Y.M.C.A. Institute, last evening, in connection with the Lancaster and Morecambe Scout-masters’ Association. Mr. H. S. Beeton (the secretary) read his monthly report, in which it was stated that all the scouts had been supplied with Roman (enrolment?) cards, which was a symbol of the true scout, The object of having the symbols or marks of distinction was that the householders would be aware that, unless a scout is able to produce his Roman card he is only an imitation. So many complaints had been received from householders about smaller boys going round from door to door begging, and the householders did not understand whether they were really scouts or not.
Election of Officers.
It was proposed and seconded, Captain Beckwith, of Hest Bank, be appointed chairman of the association.
Mr. H. S. Beeton was appointed secretary and treasurer combined.
It was resolved that the committee should consist of scout-masters of registered troops in Lancaster and Morecambe.
Mr. Wright : Would it not be wise to open the committee to ministers. —–?
Mr.Beeton : We will extend our committee later when we see it is necessary.
The next item on the agenda was: The access to lands.
This question provoked much discussion. Mr. Beeton said there was no doubt about it the association had now passed the stage of ridicule and the time would soon come when landowners would consent to allow the scouts the same privileges as the Territorials will be allowed during the next few weeks.
Continuing, the speaker pointed out that he had made both public and private appeals for the loan of land, but they had in each case been politely refused. Something would certainly have to be done in the matter if the success of the movement was to continue, otherwise the enthusiasm, which had hitherto been so keen, would fall off.
Having been refused by certain landowners, Mr.Beeton thought there was only the marsh or the moors on Clougha in the question. “The land we want,” he said, “is the land which is least used by its owner. A scrap of, say, two hundred and fifty square yards would be suitable.”
After further discussion on the matter, Mr. Beeton expressed the idea that he thought it would be possible, in the near future, to persuade some of the landowners who had already refused the proposal, to lend them their land.. He did not see why Lord Ashton and Mr. H. L. Storey should not be approached on the subject. The meeting agreed that this course should be taken.

Harold Fraser Beeton was born c. June 1880 in Southampton Row, Bloomsbury, London.
In the 1901 census he is shown as a University Undergraduate living in Croydon.
According to the newspaper article dated February 6th, 1911 regarding the formation of a Troop at Halton, he is described as “of Lancaster Grammar School”, suggesting that he was a master there perhaps.
He was also Scoutmaster of the 3rd Lancaster (LRGS)
The Times (London, England), Monday, Aug 21, 1950:-
BEETON. — On Aug. 8, 1950, peacefully in a nursing
home at Bideford. HAROLD FRASER BEETON, M.A. Oxon,
aged 70 years.
* Per John Gedge, John Fidler [who has published a history of LRGS] confirms that H. F. Beeton taught Modern Languages from 1907-1911. C. J. Paver taught History from 1909-1913, leaving for a post at University College School, London.
Constitution for the Association 1910 adopted on the 24 June 1910.
The Lancaster Guardian June 4, 1910
SIR – I beg to inform your readers that a Committee of Scoutmasters commanding troops of Baden-Powell’s boy Scouts in Lancaster, Morecambe and district, has now been formed, and seven troops have already been registered.
We shall be glad if any others who may be forming troops will kindly send in their names to me, together with the approximate numbers of their scouts, in order to secure local representation in the movement. Meetings of the Committee will be held at the Lancaster YMCA on the last Friday in each month. I also desire to take this opportunity of warning the public against boys begging from door to door for money for purposes of Scout equipment, etc., as this practice is strictly forbidden by our rules. Enrolment cards will shortly be issued to all our lads, and no boy who cannot produce his card is a genuine Scout.
Yours faithfully
HAROLD F. BECTON (sic), Hon. Sec.
15, Quernmore Road, Lancaster
From “Lancaster & District Boy Scouts Association
Souvenir Programme Jubilee Year 1907 – 1957″
Scouting Through 50 Years
On the 27th May seven troops were recommended for registration with I.H.Q. (Imperial Scout Headquarters) at the first meeting of the local association. These were:-
1st Lancaster, Scoutmaster J.R. Erskine. Scouts 30
2nd Lancaster (YMCA), Scoutmaster R. Price, ASM G. Young *. Scouts ?
3rd Lancaster (LRGS), Scoutmaster H.F. Beeton, ASM C.J. Paver. Scouts 34
4th Lancaster (Wesleyan), Scoutmaster R.E. Wright, (our present Hon. Commissioner), ASM E. Marks. Two patrols.
5th Lancaster, Scoutmaster Capt. Beckwith. Scouts ?
6th (Wesleyan) Lancaster, Scoutmaster G. Simner. Four patrols.
7th Lancaster, Scoutmaster T. Wolfenden, ASM S. Cartmell. Two patrols.
On 24 June 1910 a further troop was recommended for registration:-
8th Lancaster, Scoutmaster Rev. A.S. Andrew**, ASM J. Thompson. Scouts ?
* – Is this the troop that camped at Wennington in August 1909 “Baden-Powell’s Scouts at Wennington“?
** Alexander Somerville Andrew was born 1877 in Glasgow. In 1911 he was boarding with Isaac Railton, a schoolmaster, at 2 Westbourne Terrace, Lancaster. Alexander is recorded as being a Minister of Presbyterian Church, Lancaster Presbyterian Church.