External Training
I have planned a training programme for this Autumn for activity leaders, the training covers all kinds of outdoor activities including Woodland Explorers, Bushcraft, water safety (FSRT for all boat-based activities) and outdoor first aid training. The planned schedule for this Autumn is attached.
All of these courses are being delivered externally, by professionally qualified and highly experienced trainers. These courses are available to Scout leaders at a massive discount of up to 50% on the standard cost.
I would highly recommend anyone leading any outdoor activities away from a roadside or hut, should do the 8hr Outdoor Emergency First Aid course.
Please discuss training needs with your fellow leaders. If any of the leaders would like to join any of these courses either they or you can contact me to sign up.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Autumn Training Programme 2015
Stuart Lockton
Assistant District Commissioner (Activities)