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We provide fun, challenge and adventure to over 1400 young people in North Lancashire – #SkillsForLife

Acting GSL Appointment – 13th Lancaster

Saturday, 10 August 2013

Dear All,

Re: Appointment of an Acting Group Scout Leader – 13th Lancaster

I am writing to confirm some interim arrangements to support 13th Lancaster Scout Group. I am very pleased that Pat Griffin has agreed to support the group as Acting Group Scout Leader – an appointment that will run until 31st December at which time I hope to be able to announce a permanent role holder.

Pat will be known to all of you as our former District Commissioner and through her long involvement with the group. Pat’s knowledge, experience and commitment will be a great advantage to the group in the coming months and Pat will be focussing on laying firm foundations to support a new Group Scout Leader (GSL). With that in mind I have asked Pat to focus on the following:

• Review the training needs of all adults in the group, and support them through the appropriate training.
• Ensure that Group Membership Records are up to date
• Complete a Group ‘RAG’ Analysis and create a Group Development Plan
• Create a linking plan to support transition between sections
• Hold an open evening to invite new young people, and potential volunteers to the group.
• Support a GSL Search Process

I will be working with Pat closely in the coming weeks to discuss ways in which the District Team can support in these areas. 13th Lancaster has a long history of offering exciting programme opportunities to young people in the area, with Pat’s support, and yours, I am sure that 13th Lancaster will be in a position to engage more adult volunteers and therefore welcome some more young people to the group.

Finally, best wishes for the Scouting year ahead – it’s going to be a great one; with lots of District and County events planned including Red Rose 2014 next summer, an opportunity for Scouts to get their first taste of an international camp and a fabulous week away for any leaders who want to join the staff team.

Yours in Scouting,

Craig Dewar
District Commissioner