
291 posts

Scout Christmas Post

What is Scout Post? Scout Post is a scheme that offers the public of Lancaster, Morecambe, Carnforth and surrounding villages an opportunity to send Christmas Cards at a competitive cost  It has been in operation in the District for many years. How the scheme works Groups involved are issued stamps to sell in […]

County Commissioner Appointment

It’s official! To all members, West Lancashire Scouts, I am writing to inform you that Craig Dewar-Willox has been appointed as your next County Commissioner with immediate effect. For those who may not know Craig, Craig has held several roles both locally and nationally. Locally, Craig has been the DC […]

Robert ‘Bob’ Sharrock – ‘Gone Home’

It is with sadness that I have to report the passing after a long and active life of our fellow former Scouter Bob Sharrock. Bob was the first District Commissioner of Lonsdale back in 1974 following the reunification of the Lancaster & Morecambe Districts. He had previously been an Assistant […]

Annual Review & AGM

The 44th Annual General Meeting of the Lonsdale District Scout Council took place on 27 June 2019 in the Banqueting Room, Town Hall, Lancaster in the presence of the Right Worshipful Mayor of Lancaster Coun. David Whitaker. The District President Suzie Reynolds DL welcomed everyone to the meeting including a […]

Aileen Newby – “Gone Home”

To: All members, Lonsdale District Scouts  p.s. Aileen’s funeral will be held at Cockerham Parish Church St Michael’s and All Angels at 11am on 8th July. There will be a gathering after the service in the village hall. Mike is happy for Scouters to wear uniform if they want to. […]

Activity Centres Booking Secretary

We need to appoint a Booking Secretary as Stephen Rose, who took on the role as a temporary measure, has indicated that owing to personal reasons, he is finding it difficult to keep up to date with the bookings or banking. An outline of the role is: Receive enquiries from […]