
291 posts

Exciting Developments

It’s all happening at our two splendid Activity Centres! At SilverHelme work has commenced on preparing the ground for the long-awaited replacement toilet block. This is what we are replacing: mmm! This very day (23 August) demolition has taken place. The building has served us well for many years but […]

District Youth Commissioner

Search for a new District Youth Commissioner Daniel Coulthard will complete his successful term, as our District’s first ever Youth Commissioner at the end of September. I am hugely grateful to Dan, for the time, effort and energy he has brought to the role. It is now time to look […]

Skills and Chills

Our Skills and Chills event is a great way for all our adult volunteers, to get together and share in a weekend of fun and friendship. Here are this year’s details: Dates: 15th-17th September 2017 Venue: Littledale Scout Activity Centre Cost: Camping Only – £15 Day Visit (Saturday only) – […]

GSL Vacancy, Centurion

Group Scout Leader (GSL) Vacancy at Centurion with Westgate Scout Group Carol Holmes completed a hugely successful period, as the lead volunteer (Group Scout Leader) at Centurion with Westgate at the end of July. I’d like to place on record my thanks for the work that Carol has done as GSL […]

Peter Hunt – Gone Home

It is with great sadness that I have to report that Peter Hunt has passed away after a long illness. Peter joined the Scout Movement in 1947 as a Cub at the 5th Lancaster Cathedral Group. He then went on to the 13th Lancaster. He was a Cub leader for […]

District AGM and Review

To All Members, Lonsdale District Scout Council I hope that you will be able to join us for an evening of celebration at the Banqueting Room, Town Hall, Lancaster LA1 1PJ on Thursday 29th June 2017 Reception at 7 for 7.30 pm meeting. Members are invited to wear uniform. Refreshments […]