Morecambe Guardian 09 July 1927:-
With the idea of forming a troop of Boy Scouts at Bare, a meeting has been held at St. Christopher’s Church, under the chairmanship of the Vicar (the Rev. E. Flintoft Wood) and it has been decided to form a troop under the title of the 1st Bare Company.
The troop will be open to any boys desirous of joining the Baden Powell Scout Movement. Mr. Wood is acting as Scoutmaster, and Horace Hutchence, Jack Watson and Sydney Horsfall have been appointed Patrol Leaders. The troop will go into camp in August. Any boy desiring to join, may do so by attending the parade, held every Thursday evening at St. Christopher’s at 7-30.
Morecambe Guardian 23 July 1927:-
The St. Christopher’s Troop of B.P. Scouts, will go into camp in the Isle of Man, about the first week in August They will be accompanied by the Vicar, the Rev. E. Flintoft Wood, who is the Scoutmaster of the Troop.
Morecambe Guardian 13 August 1927:-
The First Bare (St. Christopher’s) troop of Boy Scouts are encamped at Sulby, Isle of Man. They are under the command of the Vicar (the Rev. E. Flintoft Wood).
Morecambe Guardian 27 August 1927:-
Last Sunday the Rev. E. Flintoft Wood should have resumed duty at the St. Christopher’s Church, Bare, but sent a telegram to one of the Wardens that he would be unable to leave the Isle of Man owing to having to undergo an operation on an injured foot. He had been in charge of the Bare (St. Christopher’s) Troop of Boy Scouts, of which he is the founder and Scoutmaster.

Morecambe Guardian 29 October 1927:–
At the meeting of the General Purposes Committee of the Morecambe Education Committee on October 10th, a letter was read from the Rev. Flintoft Wood for the use of the Bare-lane school by the Scouts. In the letter, Mr. Wood said the school would be used on an undenominational basis, and offered a rental of £1 per calendar month, he undertaking to give immediate possession should the property at any time be required by the committee.
It was resolved that Mr. Wood be informed that owing to the uncertainty as to the premises being required for educational purposes under the scheme required by the Board of Education for the organisation of education in Morecambe, the Committee are of the opinion that it is inadvisable to let the premises.
Morecambe Guardian 28 January 1928:-
The St. Christopher’s Boy Scouts are progressing admirably, which reflects credit on the Rev. Flintoft Wood and their Scoutmaster. Rambles are taken by the troop on certain days, and some enjoyable times have been spent by the youthful members.
Morecambe Guardian 23 June 1928:-
The 1st Morecambe Boy Scouts (St. Laurence’s) held an open meeting in the Schoolroom, Edward-street, on Monday to elect committees, etc., for the forthcoming annual field day and rally.
Among those present were: S.M. Whittles (chairman), A.S.M. Harmsworth, T.L. R. Procter, Rev. Egerton Ward (Vicar of S. Laurence), Messrs. Raynor, J. W. Procter, T. Dando, G. S. Evenden, M. Kerr and J. W. Gilham, Coun. Daniels and C. Mayor (vice-presidents), Rev. Flintoft Wood, S.M. 1st Bare troop and Scouts ; Mesdames Kelsall, Parks, Collis, Procter, and Locke and Misses Holdgate and Fox (Girl Guide officers).
The following were elected on the Prize Committee: Mr. Procter, Coun. Daniels, Mrs Locke and Mrs. Procter.
Each of the eight vice-presidents were elected as stewards in addition to the Rev. Flintoft Wood, Mr. Dando and Misses Holdgate and Fox and six members of Toc H.
Mr. C. Mayor and Mr. C. Parks were elected as starters.
Morecambe Guardian 28 July 1928:-
The 1st Bare (St. Christopher’s) troop of Boy Scouts go “under canvas” on Wednesday at Whitby. For two weeks they will be under the charge of the Rev. E. Flintoft Wood, Scoutmaster.
Morecambe Guardian 13 July 1929:-
We hear that the Rev. H. J. Winrow, Vicar of St. Luke’s, Slyne, is to succeed the Rev. E. Flintoft Wood, who has been in charge of the Conventional District of Bare since formation.
At present, the Conventional District of Bare has only a small corrugated iron Church, but it is proposed to erect a larger and more modern one in the near future.
The Mission Church of Torrisholme is also included in the Conventional District.
The Rev. H. J. Winrow is reported to have gained much popularity at Slyne.
Morecambe Guardian 24 October 1930:-
The Rev. H. J. Winrow will conduct an enrolment service of the Boys’ Brigade in the St. Christopher’s Church on Sunday night, and he will give a spirited address which all boys will not fail to appreciate. Mr. Winrow is the official chaplain of the Brigade.
Editor’s note: And so the short lived 1st Bare Scout Troop presumably ceased to exist. Members perhaps becoming BB members or transferring to the newly formed (March 3rd 1930) 4th Morecambe (Bare) troop based at the nearby Bare Methodist Church.
Morecambe Guardian 24 October 1930:-
That the Torrisholme (6th Morecambe) Company of Girl Guides had been very busy of late, was evident from the splendid display at their sale of work and tea held in the Rydal Cafe *, Torrisholme, last Saturday.
The Rev. H. J. Winrow presiding said that he was interested in the Guide movement, because it tended to form character, and that character was the foundation upon which great nations were built.
Mrs. Wolfenden (District Commissioner), in declaring the sale open, said she was pleased to see so many articles for sale, as that showed a very deep interest, and interest went far towards making anything a success.
Miss McDonald, replying, thanked the Rangers and everyone who had helped towards making the sale a success.
The effort was in aid of the Troop Funds and the proceeds amounted to nearly £10.
* This was Shaw’s Rydal Cafe (and Recreation Room). Proprietor James Eccles Shaw born 13 Sept. 1886 in Sabden. – Now, (2017) “One Stop” 300 Lancaster Road, Torrisholme.