
274 posts

Young Leaders’ Training

I believe some people are having problems getting hold of booking forms for the up and coming Young Leader events so have attached them. Young Leader Training Weekend Permission Form Young Leader Module K Booking Form The events are Young Leader Module K-9.30-16.00, 53rd Lancaster. This is the first aid course […]

Cub Football Competition

Congratulations to 1st Overton (St Helen’s) Cubs who were the winners and Caton Church runners up. A nail biting finish that was decided by penalties. Thanks to Lee Lace and his team for organising the fab competition. Mandy Sweet ADC Cubs

Sharpe Bequest Consultation

To all Members of the District Scout Council The District Executive Committee is seeking your views in relation to a proposal to release some of the capital held within the Sharpe Bequest. We believe that if the Charity Commission agrees to such a proposal then much-needed funds could be made […]

Young Leader Training

Due to a double-booking at Littledale the Young Leaders Weekend scheduled for the end of January has been CANCELLED. More details out soon. * Now rescheduled for 6/8 March. Part 2 17/19 April. CALLING ALL YOUNG LEADERS… YL Training – Stage 1 (Training is split over 2 weekends) 30th Jan-1st […]

Lonsdale Scouts – Happy New Year!‏

I hope that 2015 is full of excitement and adventure for you, your families and the young people that you work with. As a District Team we have been looking at our New Year’s Resolutions (our key priorities) and I wanted to share them with you… To support and help […]