
274 posts

Training in 2015

I am sending a Happy New Year reminder to you all for training dates coming up shortly. 1. I have Getting started Module 1,2 and 3 plus Safeguarding on 25th January – venue probably DHQ (or a nearby scout hut) – course runs from 9.30 – 4.30 with safeguarding being […]

Climbing Training for Leaders

Activities News – Climbing Training for Leaders I have organised a series of climbing training sessions for Lonsdale Scout Leaders. The objective will be to provide support for leaders who have some familiarity with climbing to obtain a Scout climbing permit, or for those who already have a permit to […]

Bowlander 2015

The details for next year’s West Lancs County hiking event are being circulated to your District reps and ADC Scouts, so you should hopefully be receiving them soon. The dates for 2015 are as follows:- Saturday 21st February 2015 – Training Day at Beacon Fell Saturday/Sunday 22nd/23rd March 2015 – […]

ADC (Cub Scouts)

Search for Assistant District Commissioner (Cub Scouts) After six wonderful years as our Assistant District Commissioner for the Cub Scout Section, Pat Armstrong has indicated that she will retire from this role at Christmas. Through Pat’s hard work, determination, passion and enthusiasm the Cub Section is in a strong position, […]

Rotary Club Sponsored Fun Swim 21 March 2015

For the past couple of years some Groups have between them entered over 10 teams in this event. The feedback I have received suggests that the Groups enter enjoy the event and raise quite a lot of money through sponsorship. There is also a knock on potential in that:- the […]

Discount with Cotswold Outdoor Preston‏

Message from Cotswold Outdoor I just wanted to get in touch with you regarding Cotswold Outdoors relationship with Scouts and Girl Guiding. I have been informed that there has been a rumour going around between scout groups that we are no longer offering a discount. I would like to state […]