
274 posts

First Aid Course 15 June – Cancelled

I have had to cancel the 15th June First aid which was to be at 13th Lanc HQ. I have told each individual booked on (5) people in the end only, hence cancellation. The next ‘Getting Started’ and safeguarding sessions are on 8 June at Centurion HQ on Kingsway in […]

The Sharpe Bequest

In 1990 the District received a legacy under the Will of Maurice Sharpe, a former Scouter in the old Lancaster District. He stipulated that the capital was to be invested and only the interest was to be distributed. This has become known as “The Sharpe Bequest”. Under the terms of the Will the […]

Safeguarding Training

I have on offer an evening Safeguarding session for this essential 5th Lancaster HQ, Bowerham Road on Thursday 22nd May from 7 p.m. – 9 p.m. This is in addition to the afternoon of 8th June from 2 – 4.30 with the Getting started event at Centurion HQ. Please let […]

Activity Courses for Leaders

National Water Safety Management Programme Level 1 and level 2 Course for Scout Leaders Course date: 7th and 8th June 2014 Venue: Silver Sapling Guide camp, Silverdale Time: 9am – 5pm, Saturday level 1 and level 2 beach 9am – 12 Sunday level 2 river Course provider: Active Learning (RLSS […]

Vision 2018 Strategic Plan

To All Members, including Young People… Here it is…the final draft of our Vision 2018 strategic plan. Please take the time to have a look at it, consider what it means for you and share any comments by emailing me by the 30th April. It’s an exciting time, with […]

Beaver & Cub Fun Day

A reminder that the fun day is on Sunday next, 6 April, 10.00 to 3.00pm at Littledale. All Beavers and Cubs welcome. They need uniform, packed lunch, waterproofs and a willingness to enjoy themselves. Drinks and Biscuits will be provided at appointed times. If you are coming could you please […]