
274 posts

ADC Adventurous Activities

Appointment of Assistant District Commissioner for Adventurous Activities I am delighted to announce that Stuart Lockton has agreed to become our Assistant District Commissioner for Adventurous Activities replacing Peter Willingham who has moved to Chorley. Stuart is well placed to build on the excellent work that Peter has started. Professionally, […]

Group Management Support Forum‏

Hi Everyone, (GSLs/Group Contacts) One of the big focuses for the District at the moment is improving support for Group Management, namely GSLs, Group Chairs, Secretaries and Treasurers. To that end we have arranged a support forum for the 25th April for people in those roles. We will be sharing […]

‘Skills and Chills’

I am writing to invite you to an all-adult event: skills and chills, focussed on sharing the best practice from the across the District, sharing programme ideas and giving leaders a taste of a wide range of activities. With over 40 taster activities planned throughout the weekend, ranging from activities […]

Commissioner’s Challenge

What is it? The Commissioner’s Challenge is a twelve month themed participation award which will be taking place during 2013. The theme for the Challenge is “OUTDOORS” so be prepared for some activities which involve getting interactive with the great outdoors! The theme is broken down into 15 activity areas […]

District Vacancies

Some exciting opportunities have arisen for people to join our District Team or District Executive. These are the roles of: District Secretary Assistant District Commissioner for Activities District Explorer Scout Commissioner In each of these roles we are looking for slightly different things, but in each role we are looking […]