Latest – 16 March 2020
Given the Government’s latest guidance, the UK Chief Commissioner has stated that all face-to-face Scout meetings, activities and events must be suspended from tomorrow, Tuesday, 17 March 2020. This suspension applies to young people and adults, and will be until further notice.
Local Impact:
Advice from the Scout Association:
Please check the Government’s Coronavirus webpage regularly as the situation develops.
Members returning from abroad – The Government Coronavirus (COVID-19) webpage advises on what to do if people have returned from areas affected by the virus. Please check the advice and the list of countries. Just like everyone else, our members should follow the standard advice on self-isolation if that is applicable.
Events – If you or your team are organising any Scout events, please make sure you regularly read the latest Government advice. You should then update your risk assessments if necessary and ensure you have considered appropriate steps in relation to insurance. You will need to monitor the situation and make proportionate local decisions.
If you have taken insurance through Unity, they have provided an update in this blog.