Lancaster Guardian 23 January 1948:
Good Services Recognised
A FEATURE of the Executive meeting of the Local Boy Scouts held recently under the chairmanship of Dr. J. A. Tomb, was the presentation of the Medal of Merit to Mr. John R. Denwood, by District Commissioner J. Dodds Drummond.
The citation reads “In recognition of good services to the Scout Movement.” The award is well-merited, for the recipient is a familiar figure of the old school in local circles, for he first became associated with Scouting when he joined as a boy in 1919.
At that time he was a member of a troop known as the 7th Lancaster (Parish Church). Subsequently, Mr. Denwood served as a patrol-leader and assistant Scoutmaster with the 11th, then run under the auspices of Bulk Mission. On this troop ceasing its activities, he transferred to the 13th Lancaster on its inception in 1925-26.

Since relinquishing warranted rank in 1931, Mr. Denwood has, until his more recent appointment as Badge Organiser, served as a Lay-instructor, and in that capacity has concentrated on preparing candidates chiefly for King’s Scout Badge examinations such as Ambulance, Pathfinder, Public Health, Missioner, and Handyman, with much success as many past and present Scouts will testify.
Previous recipients in this District of the Medal of Merit with long and distinguished service who are still members of the local Association are County Commissioner T. W. Helme, Assistant District Commissioner R. E. Wright, Group Scoutmaster W. Tyson, and Group Secretary T. H. Porter, the three latter being identified with the 4th Lancaster: G.S.M. Sam Whalan, a Carnforth stalwart until his removal from the District some time ago, and Mr. Jack Bishop, a former member of the movement in Lancaster.
The executive at the same evening welcomed Miss P. M. B. Taylor as Guide representative on the Committee.
Regret was expressed at the resignation of Miss J. Beck, who leaves Lancaster shortly, and the District Commissioner spoke appreciatively of her valued contribution to the Association’s activities for some years as Cubmaster of the 23rd Lancaster (Christ Church) and Secretary of the Cubmaster’s Seeonee pack.
It is hoped to arrange an appropriate rally in the Spring to commemorate the 40th anniversary of Scouting.
The 16th Lancaster (St. Paul’s) Group reports continued progress. Cub badges have been gained by E. Gill (Artist), D Fisher and M. Tallon (Collector and Homecraft). The two latter and J. Putt have been awarded first stars. Through the good offices of the Parents’ Committee, the Pack have seen a pantomime at Morecambe this month.
D. Wilkinson and A. Jackson of the Troop have gained the Venturer badge and several Seniors have qualified in Ambulance tests. Jobman, Artist, Stamp Collector and Despatch Rider badges have also been won by the troop.
John Richardson Denwood was born 18 September 1903 in Penrith. He was a son of Jackson (1868-1916) and Isabella Denwood nee Pattinson. In 1901 the family was living at 18 West Lane, Penrith. Jackson was recorded as a Mineral Water Carter. Jackson enlisted for the Border Regiment on 23 January 1886 transferring later to the Seaforth Highlanders. His army records indicate that he was in India 1888 and later on he enlisted in the 2/5 King’s Own Territorials. He worked at the Waggon Works on Caton Road but suffered ill health over a number of years.
In the 1911 census Jackson was an in patient at the Royal Lancaster Infirmary whilst his family was living at 17 Edward Street in Lancaster.
In the 1930 Voters List John is living at 9 Williamson Road, Lancaster and the 1939 Register lists him at 30 Havelock Street, Lancaster living with his wife Agnes nee Noon. John is a General Linoleum Labourer.
John died locally in 1981.