Scoutarian, February 1959:
The highlight of 1930 was the N. W. Lancs. County Rally held at Blackpool in June, with the Chief Scout, B.P. in attendance. According to records, 250 Scouts from the Lancaster Association camped for the week-end and 70 Wolf Cubs attended on the Saturday afternoon. The Lancaster Scouts took part in a Display with a Cowboys and Indians stunt aided by the famous theatre horses designed by the late Mr. F. G .T. ADAMS.
1930 was also a year of great activity and the annual returns showed a total of 581 comprising of 44 Scouters, 40 Rover Scouts, 335 Scouts, 20 Sea Scouts and 142 Wolf Cubs. The Blakeholme Training Camp was in full swing and Captain MICHAELSON held a Preliminary Training Course in Lancaster for Scouters.
In 1930 also the 4th Lancaster Group celebrated their 21st birthday and their Rover Den at Apple House was in constant use, having first been occupied in 1929. Dr. G. M. KAY * was elected Association Secretary and Mr. W. TYSON became D.S.M. with MR. MARSHALL D.C.M. We note that A.C.M. MISS M. CLARK (now MRS. DAVIES) was granted a warrant and thus was she started on her long and meritorious career for Lancaster cubbing.
In October the Morecambe and Heysham Association was formed and the following groups were transferred from the Lancaster Association:-
1st, 2nd (Sea Scouts), 4th & 6th Morecambe and 1st Sandylands.
The usual St. George’s Day indoor campfire was held in the Police Parade Room under the direction of the District Scoutmaster Mr. W. TYSON.
In 1931 a District Camp was held at Whitsuntide at Dalton Hall, Burton.
In November of that year Lancaster was favoured with a visit from the Chief Scout’s Commissioner, LORD HAMPTON D.S.O. The Ashton Hall was packed with Scouts and friends to hear Lord Hampton speak and to watch a varied programme presented by Scouts and Cubs of Lancaster and Morecambe.
The most popular items were, a sketch by the Morecambe Scouts entitled “Prehistoric Scouting” in which a dinosaur took part! and “The Slocum Fire Brigade” by the Lancaster Scouts in which the famous “Adams” horses took a prominent part. In this sketch Mr. W. TYSON gave an unforgettable rendering of an irate farmer whose cows were burning. The display closed with a campfire scene led by CAPTAIN MICHAELSON (Deputy Camp Chief) and D.S.M. W. TYSON.
In 1931 Dr. J. A.TOMB was elected as Chairman of the Executive Committee.
In this year also our present Badge Secretary, Mr. T. C. MOFFATT received his warrant as A.C.M., as also did MR. B. J. TOOLE now G.S.M. of the 5th Lancaster.
1932 – In presenting his annual report, the Honorary Secretary, Dr. G. M. KAY stated that Captain MICHAELSON assisted by MISS MICHAELSON had held a Preliminary District Cubmasters’ Training Course which was greatly appreciated and well attended. MESSRS. R. E. WRIGHT and W. TYSON also ran a very successful Scoutmasters’ Training Course culminating in a camp at Halton. 12 certificates were awarded.
St. George’s Day 1932 was celebrated in a new way. The recently formed Group at Nether Kellet held a Sports Day and district camp, which was most successful. This was followed in the evening by a gathering and a Scout’s Own on Sunday conducted by Dr. HENDERSON, the Chief Scout’s Commissioner.
The District Rovers attended two special week-ends – one to a competition for the Hiking Shield and the other to a camp at Quernmore.
The County Rover Moot at Salmesbury Hall was well attended by Lancaster Rovers.
B-P at Blackpool
*George MacGregor Kay was born 22 June 1901 at 22 Douglas Street, Kirkcaldy, Fife.

His father was Robert Kay, a Bank Accountant, mother Catherine Clark MacGregor Kay nee Donaldson. They were married in Edinburgh 13 July 1899.
In 1939 George, a Medical Practitioner, was living at Underfell, Westbourne Road, Lancaster with his wife Janet Spalding nee Brooks born 24 May 1900. They were married at Blythswood, Renfrewshire in 1929.
Lancaster Guardian 30 January 1953:
“Socialist in 30 years’ time”
IT was quiet down Dallas Road on Monday evening when the expected happened in the bye-election and Dr. G. M. Kay, the Conservative, was elected by 1,020 votes to the 238 cast for the Socialist, bricklayer Joe Simpson of Baker Street.
Dr. Kay of “Underfell”, did not need to prescribe any tonic to win the election because Queen’s ward has proved time and again that whatever else may change, the election there won’t.
Of the 3,067 electors in the ward only 1,258 bothered to vote. Perhaps the rest didn’t care. Perhaps they thought the result was a foregone conclusion.
The Conservative majority was bigger than before. Dr. Kay thanked his supporters and paid tribute to his opponent.
Mr. Simpson said he had not expected to win but that his party would continue to fight the ward while they had support there.
Outside the small crowd gave a cheer as Dr. Kay congratulated Queen’s ward on maintaining its record.
Mr. Simpson promised a socialist candidate in 30 or 40 years.
Here are the figures: –
George MacGregor Kay (Cons.) 1020
Joseph Simpson (Lab.) 238
Cons. majority 782
Lancaster Guardian 25 May 1956:
COUN. MRS. HELEN DANIEL, of Schola Green, Halton, the wife of Dr. H. N. Daniel, was elected Mayor of Lancaster on Wednesday by the unanimous vote of her colleagues on the City Council.
Coun. Mrs. C. M. Pickard, who represents Skerton West, was chosen as Mayoress, and it was announced that Coun. G. M. Kay, who has represented Queens Ward for the past three years, will be Deputy Mayor.
England & Wales Government Probate Death Index
KAY George MacGregor of Underfell Lancaster died 16 June
1962 Probate Lancaster 5 September to Hubert John
Phipps Sturton solicitor and Ronald Fraser Dawson
medical practitioner. Effects £28718 7s. 7d.