Scouting Notes
Lancaster Guardian 26 January, 1940
At Crosslands on Saturday evening last, the 21st Lancaster celebrated their first birthday as a Sea Scout troop. In his report Group Scoutmaster J. Hodgson paid particular tribute to “Bosun” Ken Brown, whose enthusias (sic) for Sea Scouting, led to the re-organisation of the troop 12 months ago, following a lean period after six years of land Scouting. Credit must also go to “Skipper” W. Rutherford, who brought an experience of the sea as his contribution to the success of the new venture, and to Troop-leader M. Jackson. There are now 18 Scouts in the troop, they possess a most serviceable boat in the `Ailsa’ in which they have made many trips to Basil Point at week-ends for instruction, and the trip to and from Glasson Dock for the summer camp. The troop are fortunate in being sponsored by a Sea Scout Committee who show a keen and active interest in their welfare.
Saturday’s celebration took the form of a potato-pie supper, followed by games and a sing-song. Items were given by Sea Scouts, Pickering, Whipp and Greaves, and Alec Rutherford.
Ken Brown received a seven-year service star and a presentation calendar as a tribute to his valued work. Patrol Leader Pickering (one year, star) and Patrol-Leader Warbrick, the second class badge.
Guests included the 21st Lancaster Cub Pack, County Commissioner T. W. Helme, Messrs. R. Davies, J. Denwood and myself.
Thanks were accorded to the lady helpers, Mesdames Hodgson, Pickering, and the Misses Thompson and Jackson.