Morecambe Visitor July 1957
SCOUTS and Cubs of the 5th Morecambe and Heysham Scout Group can now travel by their own coach to any event they wish to attend, thanks to Scoutmaster Mr. A. Sawley, of xx Fairfield Road, Heysham, who had the idea of obtaining a coach.
For a month members of the Group have been slaving to get the £50 second-hand vehicle into ship-shape condition. All the seats have been cleaned, the woodwork inside the coach is to be painted, and already the bodywork looks imposing in its new colours of grey and red. A glass panel fitted on to the rear and bearing the name of the Group can be illuminated.
Mr. Sawley will act as driver, and in August will take the Scouts to Scotland to a camping site on the banks of Loch Lomond.
Photo: Morecambe Guardian 09 August 1957
Mmmm, how times have changed!
50 quid, blimey – you couldn’t half-fill it with fuel for that now.
Then there would be the astronomical and prohibitive insurance cost. Not to mention the expensive MOT. Or the PSV driving licence, for which you’d probably need a 16+ hour first aid certificate. And probably a DBS check, risk assessment and Activity Permit too!
Progress, eh?
This photo appeared in the Morecambe Visitor on 23 July 1960.

From logbook kept by R.E. Priestley.
I can recognise Albert Sawley (back row left end), Norman Hall? (back row right end), Harald Dahl (Field Commissioner, middle row 2nd left and is that Mrs Sawley (bottom right)?
Troop neckers were black with a red border.