Scouts and Guides renew promises at St. George’s Day service
LANCASTER Priory was filled to capacity on Sunday for the annual St. George’s Day and Baden-Powell commemoration service. Nearly 500 Scouts, Guides, and Wolf Cubs marched in procession from the Town Hall to the church where they were joined by a contingent of brownies.
The procession which was headed by mounted police and by the band of the Royal Grammar School C.C.F. was watched by a large crowd as it went through the city centre and at the church colour parties and escorts left the procession to form an archway of colours at the church entrance.
The colours were then carried to the altar where they were received by the Vicar of Lancaster (the Rev. H. A. Bland). In the congregation were the Mayor (Coun. T. S. Hayton), Dr. J. A. Tomb, chairman of the Boy Scouts Association, Mr. A. Huck, vice chairman, and Mr. R. E. Wright, honorary commissioner. Lessons were read by Senior Scout Derek Collinge and by Queen’s Guide, Kathleen Emmett.
A Scout, a Guide, a Wolf Cub and a Brownie recited their respective laws and then, collectively, all in church renewed their promises. The Scouts and Cubs were led by District Commissioner Mr. H. Todd and the Guides and Brownies by District Commissioner Mrs. D. A. Smart.
The sermon was preached by the Rev. D. E. F. Ogden, Rector of Cockerham and County Liaison Chaplain, who is also Scoutmaster of Cockerham troop.
Robert Baden-Powell, he said, had “stuck his neck out,” when he declared he would start a movement which would go round the world. That had happened, however, and they now had a great company of people in all countries. There was still need for somebody to stick their necks out. There was a need for people to say “I am going to offer what I have.”
The whole of the Scout movement and the Guide movement had been created by the inspiration of one or two people who in turn were inspired by God. Boys and girls in the movement were being asked to do what Baden Powell had done. They and their parents had something to offer in the service of God, their country, the Scout and Guide movement and their fellow men.
After the service there was another procession to the Town Hall, where the salute was taken by the Mayor and the District Commissioners.