A VARIED programme including solos, sketches and mimes was presented by the Lancaster and district Wolf Cubs in their first concert which was given in Sulyard Street Church Hall last Friday and Saturday. Proceeds were for the local Scouts Association funds.
The concert was well attended, guests including Mr. F. Huck, chairman of the Lancaster Scouts’ Association, Mr. H. Todd, district commissioner, Mr. C. Winn, field commissioner and Mr. G. C. Miller, secretary of the local association.
Bouquets were presented to the producer Mrs E. Crompton, D.C.M., by Anne Saunders youngest daughter of one of the assistant Cub masters. Cubs C. Lambert and A. Palmer made a small presentation on behalf of the Cubs.
The D.C.M. thanked all who had helped in any way to make the show a success, particularly the hard-worked “back stage boys” and those in the dressing room and make-up sections.
Packs taking part were 4th Lancaster, 21st, 23rd, 31st and 32nd, 1st Halton, 1st Carnforth and Crookey Hall. The compere was A.C.M. Chas. Hill and those taking part included P. Ogden, A. Westby, Terry Astwood, D. Crompton, M. Smith, M. Jones, C. Lambert, K. Leeming, P. Whitehead, D. Danson, R. Hill, S. Hilling, A. Westby, K. Saunders, I. Wallace, P. Goldsworthy, M. Pearson, B. Hodgson, Tony Palmer, M. Woods, B. Parkinson, L. Spedding, Jim Saunders, Charles Hill, Richard Danson, Peter Hunt, Monica Plumb, John Whitehead, Rodney Johnson, Margaret Greene, Meryl Milston, B. Parsonage, P. McCreedy, D. Bagot, S. Fawcett, S. Willis, K. Malin.