Morecambe Guardian 18 November 1960:

FOUR more members of the 13th Morecambe and Heysham (St. Mary’s) Scouts have reached the much-coveted rank of Queen’s Scout. While, VIPs in the Scouting world and proud parents looked on, the four new Queen’s Scouts were presented with their certificates and badges by the District Commissioner for Morecambe and Heysham, Mr M. Melling, at a ceremony in St. Mary’s School Hall on Friday night.
Two of the new top-liners work together in the District Engineer’s offices of British Railways at Lancaster. They are Peter J Hodson of Needham Ave, Morecambe, in Cubs and Scouts for nine years, and Peter Guy of Owen Road, Lancaster, a Cub and Scout for 10 years.
The other two are Gerard B. Escolme, of Ovangle Farm, Heaton with Oxcliffe, an apprentice butcher, who has been in the troop for nine years, and Anthony J Redmond, of Harrington Road, Morecambe, who is employed by Morecambe solicitors, Messrs. Jobling and Knape. He has been a Scout for four years.
Among those at the ceremony were Mr. M Sharp, Assistant County Commissioner for Lancashire; Mr H Dahl, Field Commissioner, and Mr. John Daly, ADC Cubs, Barrow.
Proudest man in the room was the scoutmaster, Mr F. H. Middlebrook of Owen Road, Lancaster, who has had charge of the group for eight years, and has seen six of his scouts receive the Queen’s Scout Certificate and badge.