The DC laying our wreath at the Lancaster Memorial Garden

“They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.”
The City Council’s Civic and Ceremonial Democratic Support Officer has written to update me on the Council’s plans for Remembrance Sunday which this year falls on 8th November 2020.
She writes “Due to COVID-19 there continues to be uncertainty over what guidance and regulations will be in place in November.
With this in mind and the current COVID-19 restrictions that have recently been introduced, the usual Remembrance Sunday Service and Parade will not take place. The Council will be encouraging people to observe the two minutes silence on their doorsteps this year.
The Council’s continuing focus is to protect the community and many of our staff who would normally be involved in Remembrance Sunday have been redeployed towards this aim. However, as a Council we feel it is important to still mark this occasion and therefore the Mayor and Deputy Mayor will undertake private wreath laying ceremonies which will not be open for the public to attend.
The Memorial Gardens at Lancaster and the Cenotaph at Morecambe will be open from 12.00 noon for organisations and individuals to lay their own wreaths but social distancing and COVID-19 restrictions must be adhered to. The Gardens will not be open Sunday morning for wreath laying.”
No doubt similar arrangements will apply in other parts of the City Council area.
Organisations have been requested to appoint just one wreath layer if they are intending to lay a wreath
that afternoon. Stewards will be in place to manage the situation and will only be allowing one
person per wreath to enter the Memorial Gardens. The DC has asked me to do the honours at Morecambe Cenotaph on behalf of the District and she will do likewise at the Lancaster Memorial Garden.
Stay safe.
Alan Hague
District Secretary