Cub Scouts are young people usually aged between 8 and 10½ years old. Here you will find out more about the Programme for Cub Scouts, and ideas for helping run a Cub Scout Pack.
Latest news:
Forton Cubs won the 2019 County Challenge Trophy with Caton Church Pack coming 3rd.
County Cub Hike 3rd April – Lets go climb !
Cubs 100
Lonsdale Cubs enjoying the Blackpool Pleasure Beach experience notwithstanding the weather!
Also pictured Cat Smith M.P. and the D.C.
Jodrell Bank Trip
Sat, 7 November 2015
The Cubs had a great time discovering new and exciting things about our planet and space.
Mandy Sweet ADC Cubs
More News:

16th Morecambe had a great time at their Summer Camp 2015 at Bowley
Cub Challenge Day
A massive Bravo and Good Luck to the Team from Forton who will be representing Lonsdale on Sunday 24th at the County Cub Challenge Day. They achieved 120 out of 120 on a very well attended day at Silverhelme. We had 18 teams and everybody went home smiling. Thank you to all the leaders that helped out, running bases and supervising the teams. We cant do this without you.
Lonsdale Rocks !

Week Pirate Programme for Cubs

“To look backward for a while is to refresh the eye, to restore it, and to render it more fit for its prime function of looking forward.”
Margaret Fairless Barber –
Inside the 1949 edition of the handbook there is a section, which might be of interest (and perhaps amusement) to today’s members, outlining the pronunciation of Jungle Names from the Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling.
AKELA – Ah-kay-lah. Ah and kay are easy, so is the lah you sing when you are having your singing lesson – Doh, ray,me,fah,soh, LAH.
BAGHEERA – Bah-gheer-ah. First Bah, like a sheep, then Gear (motor cars have them), and lastly Ah.
BALOO – Bah-loo. First Bah, as in Bagheera, them Loo, the last part of Water-loo.
BANDARLOG. Bun-der-loag. The Ban is pronounced Bun (you all know how to say Bun, I know); the Dar is like Dirt without the final T, and Log is like the first part of Loganberry.
KAA. Pronounced like Car, but letting the R be scarcely sounded at all.
MOWGLI. Mou-gly. The first part of Mou(th), and the Gli from glitter.
SEEONEE. Say-oh-knee.
SHERE KHAN. Share-Kharn. Shere is said just like a share of anything. Khan is “can’t” without the final t.
TABAQUI. Tab-ah-ky. Take the first part of Tab(by) cat, then say Ah, and the Qui is Kiss without the ss.
I hope that you have been pronouncing your characters correctly!