Morecambe Guardian 30 October 1931:-
Arranged by the Cub Master, Mr. Wilfred Bolton, in aid of the funds of the 1st Silverdale Troop of Wolf Cubs, a whist drive and dance was held in the Gaskell Memorial Hall, on Friday evening.
Morecambe Guardian 16 June 1933:-
Silverdale Group Hold A Fete.
In connection with the 1st Silverdale Group of Boy Scouts a garden fete in aid of the Scouting Jamboree funds was held in the picturesque grounds of “The Cove” (kindly lent by Mrs. H. Bright*) on Thursday week, arranged by Mr. S. T. Whalan (Group Scout master) Carnforth, and the Group Committee.

The company were sheltered during a thunderstorm in the dining room and billiard room of the residence, and were entertained to dancing displays by a group of girls from Nether Kellet and Over Kellet (trained by Miss Burgess of “Old Garth”).
Not the least interesting and attractive feature was a baby show judged by Miss Eccles of the Melling Nursing Home, and a colleague. The awards were as follows: under 12 months: Frank Hodkinson; one year to two years: Barbara Cooper; 2 to 3 years: Marion Jackson (all of Silverdale.)
The awards were presented by Mrs. H. Bright.
During the evening on the lawn dancing displays and action songs were creditably given by the Kellet children. Entertaining items were also given by the 1st Kellet Cubs under the direction of Mr. Senior (Scoutmaster), Nether Kellet, which included a character sketch “Trying to amuse grandfather ” by Assistant Scoutmaster Mr. T. Speight and six Cubs. A humorous sketch which was cleverly enacted and greatly amused the onlookers was given by Mr. Senior, Miss Bennett and Miss Birkett (Nether Kellet). Miss Bennett was the accompanist.
The sports were in charge of the Group Scoutmaster (Mr. S. T. Whalan), Scoutmaster (Mr. Senior), and Asst. Scoutmaster (Mr. T. Speight). Mr. R. Richmond (Scoutmaster, Silverdale troop) and Mr. W. Bolton (Cubmaster), also rendered assistance with the 1st Silverdale Company of Girl Guides and officers (Miss N. Edmonds and the Misses J. Procter and B. Gott). The 1st Warton Company of Girl Guides under Miss O. Speight (lieutenant) were also in attendance.
The following were in charge of various stalls: – Produce and fruit, Mrs. Whalan and Mrs. Askew (Carnforth); jumble, Mrs. D. Lee and Mrs. G. Nicholson (Silverdale) : ice cream, Miss B. Stackhouse (Carnforth); balloon, Mrs. Newman .
Pony rides round the grounds were conducted by Miss Patsy Brook and Miss Melville Robinson. Sideshows were in charge of Miss Parkinson and other ladies, and Mr. R. Webster.
Two guessing competitions were won by Miss Just (Carnforth), and Miss Barber (Warton), respectively. The refreshment buffet was supervised by the Group Committee: Mesdames Fielden, Marriner, Gott, R. Richmond and J. Walker, and Messrs. F. Newman and G. Nicholson were in charge of the gate.
Proceeds amounted to over £20.
* Mrs. Cicely Catherine Bright nee Rogers 1877-1967, wife of Herbert Bright born 29 June 1870 in Rochdale. Herbert was the grandson of Thomas Bright 1815-1890 cotton and carpet manufacturer of Wardleworth. Thomas was a younger brother of John Bright 1811-1889 who was a British Radical and Liberal statesman, one of the greatest orators of his generation and a promoter of free trade policies.