Morecambe Guardian 13 March 1931:-
Boy Scouts.
The Slyne-with-Hest Boy Scouts, under the direction of Miss M. Mawson (cub leader), and Mr. Wiggins (Scout master), have now almost got their club room (which has been so kindly put at their disposal by Dr. Brunwin*), in order. The room has been thoroughly cleaned and decorated in readiness for the training which the boys will have to go through. A troop of Boy Scouts has been a long felt want in Slyne-with-Hest as it will give the boys something to take an interest in, and besides this, it prepares and builds up the standard of man-hood which is so necessary today. The Boy Scouts motto “Be Prepared” is evidently being adhered to by the boys of Slyne-with-Hest.
* Alan Deed Brunwin 1879-1934, born Rayne, Braintree, Essex.
22 Jan. 1906, Edinburgh University- Bac. Surg., M.B. 1906, M.D. 1909,Univ. Camb., Dip. Publ. Health Aberdeen, 1910. Haverings, Rayne, Braintree, Essex.
WW1 Captain, Florence Fiennes Hospital Dunkirk, St Johns Ambulance Brigade Royal Army Medical Corps.
BRUNWIN, ALLAN DEED, son of George A. Brunwin; born Braintree, 25 January 1879. D.P.H., 1910; B.A. (Cambridge), 1900; MA 1903: B.C., MB, 1906; MD, 1909. Cambridge University Rifle Volunteers., 1898-1901. Lieutenant, RAMC, July 1915 – Served France, 3� years. Final rank, Captain. Hon. Assoc. Order of St. John of Jerusalem, 1916. (Univ. of Aberdeen, Memorial Rolls).
Electoral registers 1931 – Slyne Lodge, Lancaster
Millicent Anna Mawson was born 26 May 1903 in Windermere. She was the 8th child and 4th daughter of Thomas Hayton Mawson (the Garden Architect, born 1861 in Scorton) & his wife Anna nee Prentice.
In 1911 the family is living at The Bungalow, Hest Bank, which had 15 rooms! – this property was behind the VVV Health Club (formerly the Ambler/Bradford Cinderella Home) on the shore at Heat Bank. It appears to have been demolished/altered between 1963-1968 and is now a number of houses.
The 1939 Register records Millicent living at Applegarth, Hest Bank with her mother Anna born 25 Nov. 1862 and her sister Dorothy born 13 Mar. 1896.

The author remembers Miss Mawson, a tall slim lady, as Cubmistress at Slyne in the 1960’s when she lived then on Hanging Green Lane, a short distance from the then Scout Hut just down the road.

Morecambe Guardian 17 February 1933:-
The anniversary dance in connection with the Slyne-with-Hest Troop of Rover Scouts and Wolf Cubs, organised by Scoutmaster Wiggins and Miss M. Mawson (Cub Leader), was held in the Hest Bank Memorial Hall, on Wednesday. A large number of dancers attended. Winners of the spot dance where Miss O. Parsons and Mr. W. Halhead. Rover Scout Hartley was M.C.
Morecambe Guardian 31 May 1935:-
Another successful whist drive organized by the Slyne-with-Hest Boy Scouts was held in the Scout Room on Wednesday week. Scoutmaster F. Wiggans acted as M.C. The prizewinners were: Mrs. Smith 170, Miss E. Frankland 169 ; Mrs. J. Phillips 149. A cake given by Mrs. Kitchen was won by Miss Wilcock. Consolation prizes were won by Mesdames Frankland and Phillips. Supper was also provided and served by Medames F. Wiggans and Phillips. The proceeds of the whist drive were devoted to Scout funds.