We provide fun, challenge and adventure to over 1400 young people in North Lancashire – #SkillsForLife
We provide fun, challenge and adventure to over 1400 young people in North Lancashire – #SkillsForLife

The End of an Era

Last month, February 2012, saw the resignation of our Campsites secretary, Margaret Entwistle after many years of service.    Campsites secretary does not really describe what Margaret has done over the years.   She has taken bookings, opened up campsites, advised on all sorts of equipment for lodges, organised and ran tuck shops, dealt with emergencies and a lot more at both of the sites for a long time.   I owe both Margaret and Michael a huge debt of gratitude for the help with sites prior to the setting up of the Campsite Management Board when a lot of hands-on work was needed.

I have also received Michael Entwistle’s resignation as Badge secretary as he has indicated that the sales of badges at District HQ seem to have fallen off and he feels that he often sits alone on Saturday mornings waiting for customers who do not appear.

The whole Entwistle family have supported Lonsdale in these roles for many years and I say a big ‘thank you’ to them all for being a friendly voice on the phone, for help given at sites, and for working with the shop at HQ as well.

I am sure if you see them out and about you will wish them well, and I hope they will continue to be members of SASU.

Pat Griffin – District Commissioner.

This has happened in the same month that we said goodbye to Norman Winder – our previous Littledale Campsite warden, who died suddenly of a heart attack.     Norman had only had 18 months of his retirement from work and Pam is devastated to lose him.     If you see her in the next few weeks or have any happy memories of Norman at the campsites please let her know as that will help her move on after her sad loss.