Morecambe Guardian 15 May 1959:

WOLF CUB football completed a successful season on Saturday when the winners of Division 2, (32nd Lancaster) and Division 2, (23rd Lancaster) met at Barton Road to play off for the Palmer Cup. Those who saw the game, refereed by Mr. McCart, of Morecambe, judged it to be the best since the inception of the competition three seasons ago. Though play fluctuated 23rd Lancaster (Christ church) won scoring three through P. Boyd (2) and M. Clarke, to one by G. Thompson of the 32nd. Mr. R. Weir presented the trophy on the field and congratulated the players of both teams on a fine display.
Teams: 32nd. S. Hilling, K. Leeming, D. Spencer, T. Harding, R. Hill, P Manning, S. McCullum, J. McCullum, R. Parkinson, R. Evans, G. Thompson, Res. C. Ferrington.
23rd. R. Blezard, M. Leack, M. Clarke, H. Alban, R. Walker, P. Boyd, C. Suthers, K. Boyd, K. Price, K. Wilson, D Townson. Res. D. Bennett. Afterwards players and officials, were entertained to tea in the Congregational Church, Lentworth Drive, and a pleasant afternoon and evening ended with indoor games. Catering arrangements were by a Mesdames Hill, Saunders, Kew and Reid. Mr. J. L. Saunders, welcomed the guests, and apologised for the absence of the D.C.M. Mrs. E. Crompton and Mr.R. Weir who were unable to stay a tea. He complimented the teams and officials and paid a special tribute to Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Hill who did so much for the football competition. Mr. Hill, endorsed the vote of thanks to the players in the final and those who brought the inter-Association cup back from Morecambe a few weeks ago.
In thanking Mr. Saunders, Mr. Danson, and the other officials, District Commissioner H. Todd was glad to see that their St John Ambulance representative was Mr. P. Hunt of the 5th Lancaster. He thanked the ‘back-room girls’ for an excellent tea.
Mr. Todd then handed the Palmer Cup to Malcolm Clarke (capt. 23rd) and also the Bonnick Shield, for League honours, and then R. Hill (capt. 32nd), received the Thompson Shield for League 1 honours, and the inter-Association Challenge Cup won by the Lancaster Cubs at Morecambe. Medals were presented to members of this representative team, R. Hill, R. Dawes, D. Bennett, K. Wilson, D. Spencer, P. Boyd, R. Airey, M. Clarke, B. Parsonage, S. Fawcett, R. Russell, S. Hilling.
Others present included Messrs. R. L. Danson, J. W. Parsonage, J. V. Smith, R. Johnson, W. Green, Misses J.V. Beck and M. Green. – AKELA.